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Mary Teresa 1928 'Loving Siblings '


Updated: Feb 27, 2023

‘’ Mary Teresa 1928’’, In Loving Siblings display of horror.

Awesome Blossom awakens around the plight and fright of Mother Mary Teresa ‘s untimely an unnatural demise.

Blossom we will call the Narrator, more shall be revealed after the synopsis awakens interest or not, as her life will reflect over Mary’s story with her perspective to her own personal journey, whilst we recount simplicity throughout same time and try to paint a picture of life in the these past 60 years through special spirits from them both. Two in one.

First an English Irish Family that was created with excess empathy love and hope saw the Matriarch Mary ( 11 Grandchildren/ 4 children / 1 surviving sibling of 6, a widow) could talk about anything and possessed much to chat about. Now be deceived by negative influences and how coping with them with a positive spirit still brought on Stress Fear Tears Anxiety, Inflammation and untimely Death.

Mary Teresa Farrell’s partner in life , the Doctor David Charles Thompson ( dct) was born 1924 in Kent. The year President Coolidge of USA signed an immigration law that restricted Immigration to the USA from other countries, due to the influx of immigrants following the end of World war 1 --

Kafka Conrad Lenin Puccini, Bacon a few names that passed away in 1924.

Mary Teresa was born in 1928 Roscommon Ireland; this year was famous for the Establishment of the Brotherhood ah Arab World. Whilst Ireland was primitive and still a British Subject as Irish British relations have been about deep misinformation manipulation and confusion that even psychoanalysis joke at how impervious to such treatment are for the Irish!

Same time, Fleming in London accidentally rediscovers antibiotic Penicillin at St Mary’s London

The well of Loneliness by Radcliffe Hall is published. Just a few of the happenings. Controversy and creativity about like now.

In the life of ‘Loving Siblings’ explosions, destruction deceit deception, it can be heard whilst noise that is not natural or words that do not feel they can add up.

Mother Mary should be so lucky to have educated folk about as the children (mature adults now supposedly) all went to good schools like Peter Michael, St Pauls. When did they deliver precociousness with arrogance of entitlement (not necessarily helpful when Parent’s aging which can be a diminishing asset) but why with what is an argument or discourse, that cannot be settled one would assume.

Maleducation sadly came into play with no shame and what gain.

’The Loving Siblings’’ story of the 'Destruction of Mother Mary Teresa Thompson Family' did not actually start May 24th, 2021, when word came from Peter's sister Kristina over the telephone from Boulder Colorado to first David her brother too and strangely carer for Mother Teresa in the last fifteen years.

This David no official carer, grammar school educated Emanuel where they had students like Sir Tim Berners–Lee founded the World Wide Web in 1989 and the Foundation too or hip Belgravia dress designers like Tomasz Starzewski.

Anyway, David whatever that truly means about Care is like Party or Nice it can mean so little or so much as ALL depends on knowing much more than 4 letters.

David later had been described by one of Mary’s dear Nieces, as ‘’falling into the shoes of her darling Late Husband dct ’’.

Another word is 'hope' we may so much want that, but it can be like dope nope and back to pope if we are still desperate for hope. David is best described as profession-less since as the story unwinds, there are many to watch. What pushes villainy when spoilt and appears to have all is a theme to cancel the monster in many.

Anyway, that word that came from Kristina in Boulder said, ' be careful’. Yes, take care to David , as both brothers led by the lawyer (Wedgwood) will fabricate any material to upset discredit brother David's role in caring for Mother after 15 successful years.

If you just herd that intention, would you or anyone invite into your home any friend of Peter or listen to anyone in their circle that they just wish to drop in and talk (Assess and be detrimental, surreal).

As what is denial now that a statement must be first clarified.

Back to those titles relating to mother Mary Teresa earlier, the list becomes superfluous so back to the story as what matters is why would a lovely hard working self-educated , sweet smiling, great conservationist/ absolute fabulous cook which for so many nice people is the way to the other person's heart through great food- then why should anyone wish to bring mother Mary harm and or when they know her life is suffering , just close the door or ignore or that crass statement, do not get involved in family feuds, having soaked up decades of family Love through Mother Mary.

Great stories or even great life have good and bad people interchanging but when the supposed good masquerade that way as their actions and how they conduct themselves is more than wrong but ends up on Mother Mary's last week of Life referring to Wedgwood (lawyer) as The Devil.

As so many folk treasures the need for good legal advice and to be able to Trust, let's call this legal firm a name - how about Gold! As it goes with that saying, ‘As Good as Gold’.

Also, to be able to understand ALL then must listen and the Chinese saying ' Silence is Golden ' is a wonderful proverb. Here there is the other son of Mother Mary and so brother to David and Peter and Kristina, and that is Michael.

Michael like so many fell into Law but why not it can pay more than the mortgage and allow for quite an easy life, if you end up having a family of 6 and educate them private and take them on 3 holidays a year as ALL are growing up and so costs expenses become lifestyle and pressure and stress especially if partner never truly worked or whatever was done had given up.

Now the spouse had her Prince Charming- can instead natter with friends, ex boyfriends etc and maybe slowly light a fire that will if ALL data is reviewed later have one of many links to Ashes of Mary at the end.

Mary suffered, greatly and a photo can say 1000 words! July 29th 2022 at Royal Victoria when Oxygen was not available? Who created that situation and inevitable exit?

The firm as Good as Gold? The Doctor son medic from Sydney, that pushed to upset Care May 24th 2021 with words or as the story unwinds later the CARER yes David - as you will hear much about financial risk- what that has to do with health and longevity.

It shall be explained by brother Peter and his lifestyle. David the brother has he killed Mary as that is what is suggested by Brother Peter in October 2022 ahead of what would have been Mary's 94 birthday October 10. Where would the creator of the words from May 24th, 2021, be able to twist the reader to now have a different Villain or are ALL yes, ALL are Villains.

Facts are like Fiction who appears to care, as words like ' I was not there ' so suggesting whatever yes whatever is said unless present means nothing.

Peter loves legal jargon even communicating to a lady a Matriarch in her 90’s.

Wow what planet is that? Her monthly attendance at her Book Club, loved her attendance beside she had the idea for the Close and surrounding area to have their own club. They loved listening to her stories that brought our going back in time- the 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s loved to hear her experiences thoughts and felt what a lovely ability to have access to this Matriarch.

Professors would attend one who secured prominence in Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Others working with War Studies, ex Police, Housewives, the idea to eat and then talk about what had been read and hear ALL give opinion views.

Great for the mind to have this with other challenges each month and no doubt helps Longevity. Active reactive.

Court of Protection ( COP) which sounds like a sinister organisation to please gangster type lawyers was approached by Peter September 8th 2021 that Mary cannot make her decisions, even though Mary had just passed a mental assessment capacity test 3 months earlier, with a charming Harley st/’The Priory’ Psychiatrist.

Yes, COP , a protection racket to put legal lifestyles ahead of who they claim to be helping, as we have been there over the decades with undesirable mafia style trash for cash.

Mother Mary will reveal her thoughts later to why she felt she had been duped by the Gold lawyers. Lifestyle can entrap and reveal why corners are cut and truth edited or fabricated.

Ah but why was it omitted that Michael the brother/lawyer/ father / when he passed law at Southampton- put Corleone on the certificate and took out Charles. Godfather surreal!

Maybe Freudian or meaningless or as data will also connect very relevant when we conclude as Freddy the sibling of Michael in the film/story Godfather never survived and so who else next in this wrap will be more than slapped.

Meanwhile to keep space in the diary and have an excuse to walk the dog,

there can be a plan a tea a drink at the Telegraph Pub, yes around the corner to Pitt Cottage, like a sort of wake / more maybe, and yes, let's bring your dog all dogs and enjoy feed back to what why was life so enjoyable after May 24th, 2021, till Autumn 2022. More intriguing why what etc was said about those 60 prior years at that monthly book club?

Now we into 2023 awaiting when.

If St Pauls can be assumed a good place to be educated and deliver family ethics, why not look at the data, as everything now is data friendly or revealing and with any crime , CSI now is all about technology will discover the culprit.

Since Mother Mary’s 90 th Birthday 2018, various Thompson siblings prefer a story of destruction, devastation, as it is understood both the Ex-Psychiatrist who passed away 2011 and the wife partner Mary Teresa an absolute fabulous preparer of great tasty food at any time, where Mary put family members yes the siblings and grandchildren first. They loved not wasting time those dear Parents of the 1920’s creation, always much going on.

’May 24th 2021 and now less than normal the telephone calls. Mother Mary asks David her eldest son and now Carer since 2008 to answer. Irritatingly silence to start as the other side decides are they speaking or not , a common occurrence of late where if they hear Carer David’s voice both Peter and Michael the two other sons one a lawyer ‘corporate ‘so who knows what they really means except he lives in a big house has 4 children at private schools , so that alone A BUGET THAT expands and requires good income to stay afloat and the other son a medic of sorts, again 4 children , children were private in London ,but he told my late husband and son David , he could not afford to live in London and take holidays and have a lifestyle so chose to go to Australia.

As he did much locum work to pay bills, Mother Mary always had an inability to understand why not do the same in UK with locum work, it is lucrative all over, if that part of medicine is what is preference.

In 2007 when Peter left or returned from his 2000 trip to Oz and back 2002 – now he had replaced a DR Death vacancy in Queensland ( an Indian had lost a patient in mysterious circumstances, so the Post had been vacant for some time- now Dr Peter came out of Kings UK to replace) that desperate with spouse pushing to get away from parents and be as far as possible away from Care.

Tina or Kristina can be how the late Husband father Doctor would refer if he was not happy. Kristina one would assume would try to help reach sensibility over stupidity, compromise over unwise, understanding over eventual misunderstanding.’’

Mother Mary Teresa may have many spirits about this project to help write an alternative adventure that could be scripted for a mini-series- as this story encapsulates very happy times with sadness and then very sad whilst a message of hope can always win if worked and if overall the intentions from life contributions are good and sincere.

The other possible contributor to the adventure is very much living but stays incognito, as it’s the best place, in case all is just for the cupboard and not the Wild Global Village, as what will drive this combined story there is more than one link or two and the inner soul can appear with many faces!

Behaviour with Family is something we cannot really change- we can try, and we can think we are doing much, but as time soaks up our energy to please and we mature with an element of Deja-vu but Conduct is influenced by the spouses – so however much we adore and think we know our siblings, we can never truly known then as they mature with others and their idiosyncratic elements.

Psychiatric link - My mother Mary who left Ireland to escape Ireland etc 1949 met a doctor, who specialized with Chests – then in 1963 decided to take the exams extra qualification for Psychiatry. 1960’s the time to go Out To Lunch!

Mother Mary Teresa loved all forms of Art and made Art so much part of her life and travels and witnessed so many names develop.

Mother Mary Teresa realized that even though no education of Art at school in Ireland worthy of comment, her appetite to self-teach to soak up as much facts information insight into this ever expanding world, brought delight to her soon to be Hubby/lifetime partner, as her David adored culture Opera Theatre Reading Music Dancing etc – Covent Garden could be such unusual escapism form the trails of psych analysis or daily housekeeping of family of 6 with so much dependent on Mary being good or excellent as a chef / as dct loved good food, which seems so automatic but then and actually throughout far from true. Easy to read the books or watch the shows but to deliver exquisite food is an art too.

‘Blossom’ who was awesome just grew more so over the decades. This flower pursued her trip of a lifetime to escape for something very different.

Reflection is special if we are to be constructive creative and courteous so many can to enjoy the journey from another viewpoint.

‘’ Mary Teresa 1928’’, In Loving Siblings display of horror.

Awesome Blossom awakens around the plight and fright of Mother Mary Teresa ‘s untimely an unnatural demise.

Blossom we will call the Narrator, more shall be revealed after the synopsis awakens interest or not, as her life will reflect over Mary’s story with her perspective to her own personal journey, whilst we recount simplicity throughout same time and try to paint a picture of life in the these past 60 years through special spirits from them both. Two in one.

First an English Irish Family that was created with excess empathy love and hope saw the Matriarch Mary ( 11 Grandchildren/ 4 children / 1 surviving sibling of 6, a widow) could talk about anything and possessed much to chat about. Now be deceived by negative influences and how coping with them with a positive spirit still brought on Stress Fear Tears Anxiety, Inflammation and untimely Death.

Mary Teresa Farrell’s partner in life , the Doctor David Charles Thompson ( dct) was born 1924 in Kent. The year President Coolidge of USA signed an immigration law that restricted Immigration to the USA from other countries, due to the influx of immigrants following the end of World war 1 --

Kafka Conrad Lenin Puccini, Bacon a few names that passed away in 1924.

Mary Teresa was born in 1928 Roscommon Ireland; this year was famous for the Establishment of the Brotherhood ah Arab World. Whilst Ireland was primitive and still a British Subject as Irish British relations have been about deep misinformation manipulation and confusion that even psychoanalysis joke at how impervious to such treatment are for the Irish!

Same time, Fleming in London accidentally rediscovers antibiotic Penicillin at St Mary’s London

The well of Loneliness by Radcliffe Hall is published. Just a few of the happenings. Controversy and creativity about like now.

In the life of ‘Loving Siblings’ explosions, destruction deceit deception, it can be heard whilst noise that is not natural or words that do not feel they can add up.

Mother Mary should be so lucky to have educated folk about as the children (mature adults now supposedly) all went to good schools like Peter Michael, St Pauls. When did they deliver precociousness with arrogance of entitlement (not necessarily helpful when Parent’s aging which can be a diminishing asset) but why with what is an argument or discourse, that cannot be settled one would assume.

Maleducation sadly came into play with no shame and what gain.

’The Loving Siblings’’ story of the 'Destruction of Mother Mary Teresa Thompson Family' did not actually start May 24th, 2021, when word came from Peter's sister Kristina over the telephone from Boulder Colorado to first David her brother too and strangely carer for Mother Teresa in the last fifteen years.

This David no official carer, grammar school educated Emanuel where they had students like Sir Tim Berners–Lee founded the World Wide Web in 1989 and the Foundation too or hip Belgravia dress designers like Tomasz Starzewski.

Anyway, David whatever that truly means about Care is like Party or Nice it can mean so little or so much as ALL depends on knowing much more than 4 letters.

David later had been described by one of Mary’s dear Nieces, as ‘’falling into the shoes of her darling Late Husband dct ’’.

Another word is 'hope' we may so much want that, but it can be like dope nope and back to pope if we are still desperate for hope. David is best described as profession-less since as the story unwinds, there are many to watch. What pushes villainy when spoilt and appears to have all is a theme to cancel the monster in many.

Anyway, that word that came from Kristina in Boulder said, ' be careful’. Yes, take care to David , as both brothers led by the lawyer (Wedgwood) will fabricate any material to upset discredit brother David's role in caring for Mother after 15 successful years.

If you just herd that intention, would you or anyone invite into your home any friend of Peter or listen to anyone in their circle that they just wish to drop in and talk (Assess and be detrimental, surreal).

As what is denial now that a statement must be first clarified.

Back to those titles relating to mother Mary Teresa earlier, the list becomes superfluous so back to the story as what matters is why would a lovely hard working self-educated , sweet smiling, great conservationist/ absolute fabulous cook which for so many nice people is the way to the other person's heart through great food- then why should anyone wish to bring mother Mary harm and or when they know her life is suffering , just close the door or ignore or that crass statement, do not get involved in family feuds, having soaked up decades of family Love through Mother Mary.

Great stories or even great life have good and bad people interchanging but when the supposed good masquerade that way as their actions and how they conduct themselves is more than wrong but ends up on Mother Mary's last week of Life referring to Wedgwood (lawyer) as The Devil.

As so many folk treasures the need for good legal advice and to be able to Trust, let's call this legal firm a name - how about Gold! As it goes with that saying, ‘As Good as Gold’.

Also, to be able to understand ALL then must listen and the Chinese saying ' Silence is Golden ' is a wonderful proverb. Here there is the other son of Mother Mary and so brother to David and Peter and Kristina, and that is Michael.

Michael like so many fell into Law but why not it can pay more than the mortgage and allow for quite an easy life, if you end up having a family of 6 and educate them private and take them on 3 holidays a year as ALL are growing up and so costs expenses become lifestyle and pressure and stress especially if partner never truly worked or whatever was done had given up.

Now the spouse had her Prince Charming- can instead natter with friends, ex boyfriends etc and maybe slowly light a fire that will if ALL data is reviewed later have one of many links to Ashes of Mary at the end.

Mary suffered, greatly and a photo can say 1000 words! July 29th 2022 at Royal Victoria when Oxygen was not available? Who created that situation and inevitable exit?

The firm as Good as Gold? The Doctor son medic from Sydney, that pushed to upset Care May 24th 2021 with words or as the story unwinds later the CARER yes David - as you will hear much about financial risk- what that has to do with health and longevity.

It shall be explained by brother Peter and his lifestyle. David the brother has he killed Mary as that is what is suggested by Brother Peter in October 2022 ahead of what would have been Mary's 94 birthday October 10. Where would the creator of the words from May 24th, 2021, be able to twist the reader to now have a different Villain or are ALL yes, ALL are Villains.

Facts are like Fiction who appears to care, as words like ' I was not there ' so suggesting whatever yes whatever is said unless present means nothing.

Peter loves legal jargon even communicating to a lady a Matriarch in her 90’s.

Wow what planet is that? Her monthly attendance at her Book Club, loved her attendance beside she had the idea for the Close and surrounding area to have their own club. They loved listening to her stories that brought our going back in time- the 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s loved to hear her experiences thoughts and felt what a lovely ability to have access to this Matriarch.

Professors would attend one who secured prominence in Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Others working with War Studies, ex Police, Housewives, the idea to eat and then talk about what had been read and hear ALL give opinion views.

Great for the mind to have this with other challenges each month and no doubt helps Longevity. Active reactive.

Court of Protection ( COP) which sounds like a sinister organisation to please gangster type lawyers was approached by Peter September 8th 2021 that Mary cannot make her decisions, even though Mary had just passed a mental assessment capacity test 3 months earlier, with a charming Harley st/’The Priory’ Psychiatrist.

Yes, COP , a protection racket to put legal lifestyles ahead of who they claim to be helping, as we have been there over the decades with undesirable mafia style trash for cash.

Mother Mary will reveal her thoughts later to why she felt she had been duped by the Gold lawyers. Lifestyle can entrap and reveal why corners are cut and truth edited or fabricated.

Ah but why was it omitted that Michael the brother/lawyer/ father / when he passed law at Southampton- put Corleone on the certificate and took out Charles. Godfather surreal!

Maybe Freudian or meaningless or as data will also connect very relevant when we conclude as Freddy the sibling of Michael in the film/story Godfather never survived and so who else next in this wrap will be more than slapped.

Meanwhile to keep space in the diary and have an excuse to walk the dog,

there can be a plan a tea a drink at the Telegraph Pub, yes around the corner to Pitt Cottage, like a sort of wake / more maybe, and yes, let's bring your dog all dogs and enjoy feed back to what why was life so enjoyable after May 24th, 2021, till Autumn 2022. More intriguing why what etc was said about those 60 prior years at that monthly book club?

Now we into 2023 awaiting when.

If St Pauls can be assumed a good place to be educated and deliver family ethics, why not look at the data, as everything now is data friendly or revealing and with any crime , CSI now is all about technology will discover the culprit.

Since Mother Mary’s 90 th Birthday 2018, various Thompson siblings prefer a story of destruction, devastation, as it is understood both the Ex-Psychiatrist who passed away 2011 and the wife partner Mary Teresa an absolute fabulous preparer of great tasty food at any time, where Mary put family members yes the siblings and grandchildren first. They loved not wasting time those dear Parents of the 1920’s creation, always much going on.

’May 24th 2021 and now less than normal the telephone calls. Mother Mary asks David her eldest son and now Carer since 2008 to answer. Irritatingly silence to start as the other side decides are they speaking or not , a common occurrence of late where if they hear Carer David’s voice both Peter and Michael the two other sons one a lawyer ‘corporate ‘so who knows what they really means except he lives in a big house has 4 children at private schools , so that alone A BUGET THAT expands and requires good income to stay afloat and the other son a medic of sorts, again 4 children , children were private in London ,but he told my late husband and son David , he could not afford to live in London and take holidays and have a lifestyle so chose to go to Australia.

As he did much locum work to pay bills, Mother Mary always had an inability to understand why not do the same in UK with locum work, it is lucrative all over, if that part of medicine is what is preference.

In 2007 when Peter left or returned from his 2000 trip to Oz and back 2002 – now he had replaced a DR Death vacancy in Queensland ( an Indian had lost a patient in mysterious circumstances, so the Post had been vacant for some time- now Dr Peter came out of Kings UK to replace) that desperate with spouse pushing to get away from parents and be as far as possible away from Care.

Tina or Kristina can be how the late Husband father Doctor would refer if he was not happy. Kristina one would assume would try to help reach sensibility over stupidity, compromise over unwise, understanding over eventual misunderstanding.’’

Mother Mary Teresa may have many spirits about this project to help write an alternative adventure that could be scripted for a mini-series- as this story encapsulates very happy times with sadness and then very sad whilst a message of hope can always win if worked and if overall the intentions from life contributions are good and sincere.

The other possible contributor to the adventure is very much living but stays incognito, as it’s the best place, in case all is just for the cupboard and not the Wild Global Village, as what will drive this combined story there is more than one link or two and the inner soul can appear with many faces!

Behaviour with Family is something we cannot really change- we can try, and we can think we are doing much, but as time soaks up our energy to please and we mature with an element of Deja-vu but Conduct is influenced by the spouses – so however much we adore and think we know our siblings, we can never truly known then as they mature with others and their idiosyncratic elements.

Psychiatric link - My mother Mary who left Ireland to escape Ireland etc 1949 met a doctor, who specialized with Chests – then in 1963 decided to take the exams extra qualification for Psychiatry. 1960’s the time to go Out To Lunch!

Mother Mary Teresa loved all forms of Art and made Art so much part of her life and travels and witnessed so many names develop.

Mother Mary Teresa realized that even though no education of Art at school in Ireland worthy of comment, her appetite to self-teach to soak up as much facts information insight into this ever expanding world, brought delight to her soon to be Hubby/lifetime partner, as her David adored culture Opera Theatre Reading Music Dancing etc – Covent Garden could be such unusual escapism form the trails of psych analysis or daily housekeeping of family of 6 with so much dependent on Mary being good or excellent as a chef / as dct loved good food, which seems so automatic but then and actually throughout far from true. Easy to read the books or watch the shows but to deliver exquisite food is an art too.

‘Blossom’ who was awesome just grew more so over the decades. This flower pursued her trip of a lifetime to escape for something very different.

Reflection is special if we are to be constructive creative and courteous so many can to enjoy the journey from another viewpoint.

‘’ Mary Teresa 1928’’, In Loving Siblings display of horror.

Awesome Blossom awakens around the plight and fright of Mother Mary Teresa ‘s untimely an unnatural demise.

Blossom we will call the Narrator, more shall be revealed after the synopsis awakens interest or not, as her life will reflect over Mary’s story with her perspective to her own personal journey, whilst we recount simplicity throughout same time and try to paint a picture of life in the these past 60 years through special spirits from them both. Two in one.

First an English Irish Family that was created with excess empathy love and hope saw the Matriarch Mary ( 11 Grandchildren/ 4 children / 1 surviving sibling of 6, a widow) could talk about anything and possessed much to chat about. Now be deceived by negative influences and how coping with them with a positive spirit still brought on Stress Fear Tears Anxiety, Inflammation and untimely Death.

Mary Teresa Farrell’s partner in life , the Doctor David Charles Thompson ( dct) was born 1924 in Kent. The year President Coolidge of USA signed an immigration law that restricted Immigration to the USA from other countries, due to the influx of immigrants following the end of World war 1 --

Kafka Conrad Lenin Puccini, Bacon a few names that passed away in 1924.

Mary Teresa was born in 1928 Roscommon Ireland; this year was famous for the Establishment of the Brotherhood ah Arab World. Whilst Ireland was primitive and still a British Subject as Irish British relations have been about deep misinformation manipulation and confusion that even psychoanalysis joke at how impervious to such treatment are for the Irish!

Same time, Fleming in London accidentally rediscovers antibiotic Penicillin at St Mary’s London

The well of Loneliness by Radcliffe Hall is published. Just a few of the happenings. Controversy and creativity about like now.

In the life of ‘Loving Siblings’ explosions, destruction deceit deception, it can be heard whilst noise that is not natural or words that do not feel they can add up.

Mother Mary should be so lucky to have educated folk about as the children (mature adults now supposedly) all went to good schools like Peter Michael, St Pauls. When did they deliver precociousness with arrogance of entitlement (not necessarily helpful when Parent’s aging which can be a diminishing asset) but why with what is an argument or discourse, that cannot be settled one would assume.

Maleducation sadly came into play with no shame and what gain.

’The Loving Siblings’’ story of the 'Destruction of Mother Mary Teresa Thompson Family' did not actually start May 24th, 2021, when word came from Peter's sister Kristina over the telephone from Boulder Colorado to first David her brother too and strangely carer for Mother Teresa in the last fifteen years.

This David no official carer, grammar school educated Emanuel where they had students like Sir Tim Berners–Lee founded the World Wide Web in 1989 and the Foundation too or hip Belgravia dress designers like Tomasz Starzewski.

Anyway, David whatever that truly means about Care is like Party or Nice it can mean so little or so much as ALL depends on knowing much more than 4 letters.

David later had been described by one of Mary’s dear Nieces, as ‘’falling into the shoes of her darling Late Husband dct ’’.

Another word is 'hope' we may so much want that, but it can be like dope nope and back to pope if we are still desperate for hope. David is best described as profession-less since as the story unwinds, there are many to watch. What pushes villainy when spoilt and appears to have all is a theme to cancel the monster in many.

Anyway, that word that came from Kristina in Boulder said, ' be careful’. Yes, take care to David , as both brothers led by the lawyer (Wedgwood) will fabricate any material to upset discredit brother David's role in caring for Mother after 15 successful years.

If you just herd that intention, would you or anyone invite into your home any friend of Peter or listen to anyone in their circle that they just wish to drop in and talk (Assess and be detrimental, surreal).

As what is denial now that a statement must be first clarified.

Back to those titles relating to mother Mary Teresa earlier, the list becomes superfluous so back to the story as what matters is why would a lovely hard working self-educated , sweet smiling, great conservationist/ absolute fabulous cook which for so many nice people is the way to the other person's heart through great food- then why should anyone wish to bring mother Mary harm and or when they know her life is suffering , just close the door or ignore or that crass statement, do not get involved in family feuds, having soaked up decades of family Love through Mother Mary.

Great stories or even great life have good and bad people interchanging but when the supposed good masquerade that way as their actions and how they conduct themselves is more than wrong but ends up on Mother Mary's last week of Life referring to Wedgwood (lawyer) as The Devil.

As so many folk treasures the need for good legal advice and to be able to Trust, let's call this legal firm a name - how about Gold! As it goes with that saying, ‘As Good as Gold’.

Also, to be able to understand ALL then must listen and the Chinese saying ' Silence is Golden ' is a wonderful proverb. Here there is the other son of Mother Mary and so brother to David and Peter and Kristina, and that is Michael.

Michael like so many fell into Law but why not it can pay more than the mortgage and allow for quite an easy life, if you end up having a family of 6 and educate them private and take them on 3 holidays a year as ALL are growing up and so costs expenses become lifestyle and pressure and stress especially if partner never truly worked or whatever was done had given up.

Now the spouse had her Prince Charming- can instead natter with friends, ex boyfriends etc and maybe slowly light a fire that will if ALL data is reviewed later have one of many links to Ashes of Mary at the end.

Mary suffered, greatly and a photo can say 1000 words! July 29th 2022 at Royal Victoria when Oxygen was not available? Who created that situation and inevitable exit?

The firm as Good as Gold? The Doctor son medic from Sydney, that pushed to upset Care May 24th 2021 with words or as the story unwinds later the CARER yes David - as you will hear much about financial risk- what that has to do with health and longevity.

It shall be explained by brother Peter and his lifestyle. David the brother has he killed Mary as that is what is suggested by Brother Peter in October 2022 ahead of what would have been Mary's 94 birthday October 10. Where would the creator of the words from May 24th, 2021, be able to twist the reader to now have a different Villain or are ALL yes, ALL are Villains.

Facts are like Fiction who appears to care, as words like ' I was not there ' so suggesting whatever yes whatever is said unless present means nothing.

Peter loves legal jargon even communicating to a lady a Matriarch in her 90’s.

Wow what planet is that? Her monthly attendance at her Book Club, loved her attendance beside she had the idea for the Close and surrounding area to have their own club. They loved listening to her stories that brought our going back in time- the 30’s 40’s 50’s 60’s loved to hear her experiences thoughts and felt what a lovely ability to have access to this Matriarch.

Professors would attend one who secured prominence in Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Others working with War Studies, ex Police, Housewives, the idea to eat and then talk about what had been read and hear ALL give opinion views.

Great for the mind to have this with other challenges each month and no doubt helps Longevity. Active reactive.

Court of Protection ( COP) which sounds like a sinister organisation to please gangster type lawyers was approached by Peter September 8th 2021 that Mary cannot make her decisions, even though Mary had just passed a mental assessment capacity test 3 months earlier, with a charming Harley st/’The Priory’ Psychiatrist.

Yes, COP , a protection racket to put legal lifestyles ahead of who they claim to be helping, as we have been there over the decades with undesirable mafia style trash for cash.

Mother Mary will reveal her thoughts later to why she felt she had been duped by the Gold lawyers. Lifestyle can entrap and reveal why corners are cut and truth edited or fabricated.

Ah but why was it omitted that Michael the brother/lawyer/ father / when he passed law at Southampton- put Corleone on the certificate and took out Charles. Godfather surreal!

Maybe Freudian or meaningless or as data will also connect very relevant when we conclude as Freddy the sibling of Michael in the film/story Godfather never survived and so who else next in this wrap will be more than slapped.

Meanwhile to keep space in the diary and have an excuse to walk the dog,

there can be a plan a tea a drink at the Telegraph Pub, yes around the corner to Pitt Cottage, like a sort of wake / more maybe, and yes, let's bring your dog all dogs and enjoy feed back to what why was life so enjoyable after May 24th, 2021, till Autumn 2022. More intriguing why what etc was said about those 60 prior years at that monthly book club?

Now we into 2023 awaiting when.

If St Pauls can be assumed a good place to be educated and deliver family ethics, why not look at the data, as everything now is data friendly or revealing and with any crime , CSI now is all about technology will discover the culprit.

Since Mother Mary’s 90 th Birthday 2018, various Thompson siblings prefer a story of destruction, devastation, as it is understood both the Ex-Psychiatrist who passed away 2011 and the wife partner Mary Teresa an absolute fabulous preparer of great tasty food at any time, where Mary put family members yes the siblings and grandchildren first. They loved not wasting time those dear Parents of the 1920’s creation, always much going on.

’May 24th 2021 and now less than normal the telephone calls. Mother Mary asks David her eldest son and now Carer since 2008 to answer. Irritatingly silence to start as the other side decides are they speaking or not , a common occurrence of late where if they hear Carer David’s voice both Peter and Michael the two other sons one a lawyer ‘corporate ‘so who knows what they really means except he lives in a big house has 4 children at private schools , so that alone A BUGET THAT expands and requires good income to stay afloat and the other son a medic of sorts, again 4 children , children were private in London ,but he told my late husband and son David , he could not afford to live in London and take holidays and have a lifestyle so chose to go to Australia.

As he did much locum work to pay bills, Mother Mary always had an inability to understand why not do the same in UK with locum work, it is lucrative all over, if that part of medicine is what is preference.

In 2007 when Peter left or returned from his 2000 trip to Oz and back 2002 – now he had replaced a DR Death vacancy in Queensland ( an Indian had lost a patient in mysterious circumstances, so the Post had been vacant for some time- now Dr Peter came out of Kings UK to replace) that desperate with spouse pushing to get away from parents and be as far as possible away from Care.

Tina or Kristina can be how the late Husband father Doctor would refer if he was not happy. Kristina one would assume would try to help reach sensibility over stupidity, compromise over unwise, understanding over eventual misunderstanding.’’

Mother Mary Teresa may have many spirits about this project to help write an alternative adventure that could be scripted for a mini-series- as this story encapsulates very happy times with sadness and then very sad whilst a message of hope can always win if worked and if overall the intentions from life contributions are good and sincere.

The other possible contributor to the adventure is very much living but stays incognito, as it’s the best place, in case all is just for the cupboard and not the Wild Global Village, as what will drive this combined story there is more than one link or two and the inner soul can appear with many faces!

Behaviour with Family is something we cannot really change- we can try, and we can think we are doing much, but as time soaks up our energy to please and we mature with an element of Deja-vu but Conduct is influenced by the spouses – so however much we adore and think we know our siblings, we can never truly known then as they mature with others and their idiosyncratic elements.

Psychiatric link - My mother Mary who left Ireland to escape Ireland etc 1949 met a doctor, who specialized with Chests – then in 1963 decided to take the exams extra qualification for Psychiatry. 1960’s the time to go Out To Lunch!

Mother Mary Teresa loved all forms of Art and made Art so much part of her life and travels and witnessed so many names develop.

Mother Mary Teresa realized that even though no education of Art at school in Ireland worthy of comment, her appetite to self-teach to soak up as much facts information insight into this ever expanding world, brought delight to her soon to be Hubby/lifetime partner, as her David adored culture Opera Theatre Reading Music Dancing etc – Covent Garden could be such unusual escapism form the trails of psych analysis or daily housekeeping of family of 6 with so much dependent on Mary being good or excellent as a chef / as dct loved good food, which seems so automatic but then and actually throughout far from true. Easy to read the books or watch the shows but to deliver exquisite food is an art too.

‘Blossom’ who was awesome just grew more so over the decades. This flower pursued her trip of a lifetime to escape for something very different.

Reflection is special if we are to be constructive creative and courteous so many can to enjoy the journey from another viewpoint.

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