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Bloomsday 16th June ! Since May 31 exploring West coast of Ireland.


Since the May 31st Hearing I have been continuing my plans , which has been a visit to West of Ireland. I would love to show pictures of myself with others but last time I revealed who I had a delightful lunch with on April 29th- instead of compliments from my siblings., the guest received hounding and questions that were out of order. Resulting in my guest then upset with myself

Now it is best to keep photos currently to landscape, until this scurrilous application Peter started June 30th 2021 with lies and distortion , which has wasted Court's time , my time and created unnecessary expense which he will not compensate. I trust as he now informs me June 14th he is withdrawing , the Court will see my Costs will be reimbursed. Also the SRA and OPG will be Directed by the COP to fulfil my Complaints from last year properly.

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